Tuesday, April 14, 2015

An International Option For Interning

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Most people start an internship later in their college years, after they've figured out what they want to do. I had a clear idea of the kind of internship I wanted initially, but my plans changed when I learned about international internships that were available for me. I liked the idea of being in another country while still getting the experience needed for my future career, so I took my chances and applied for one.

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I was worried that I wouldn't get the internship, but I didn't let it get me too down, because I applied for other ones as well. There was a chance that I would get accepted by at least one internship, so I would have something to fall back on. Still, the international internship was the most appealing. Waiting for the results of my application was nerve wracking.

I received a letter in the mail about the international internship I applied to, and was afraid to open it, so I had my brother open it for me. When my brother told me that I had been accepted, I jumped for joy. He was a little jealous that I would be spending a year in another country, but still happy for me.

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